Exercises to Reduce Period Pain

The menstrual cycle is one that brings a lot of pain and discomfort to many women all around the world. Cramps usually result from the strong contractions and muscle spasms that are needed so your uterus lining, which has been building up throughout the past few weeks, can be expelled from the body. However, these are usually very painful – if not debilitating. In this article, we will be looking at exercises which you can do to reduce this pain. Don’t worry – they are all very gentle!


Lower-Back Stretch

A lot of period pain is also felt in your lower back because of its proximity to the uterus. The cramps can hence be very difficult to handle! Try stretching your lower back by starting on all fours. Then, bring your knees towards your chest and extend your arms forward as far as you can. Move back and forth until you feel your lower back being stretched.


Glute Bridge

This is one that you may already know. Start on your back with your feet planted on the floor at around a 45 degree angle. Then, slowly push your pelvis up towards the air. This will contract your glute area, meanwhile also providing relief to your lower back.


Cat Pose

This is a common yoga pose that helps release tension in the lower back area and the hips. Start out on all fours. Then, slowly round your back the same way a cat does when it stretches. Slowly come back to a normal position, and repeat.


Exercise in General!

Although you may feel like exercising is the last thing you want to do while on your period, it has fantastic benefits! It is a natural pain-reliever and also triggers the release of endorphins, which bring a feeling of happiness and joy. Hence, going for a light jog, doing some weight lifting or even just going on a long walk in the sun can provide a lot of relief.
At Lhamo, we aim to help you feel fresh. Our products have also been shown to help reduce inflammation and pain! What are your favorite ways of relieving period pain? Let us know below!

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